Fighting Back Against Shock

Naomi Klein, author of “The Shock Doctrine” believes the best way to deal with shock, and not just physical shock, but political and economic shock as well, is to know and understand what is happening around you, and why it’s happening.  If you look at what’s going on with the the GOP, they feed on or manufacture the shock in various crises to enable them to perpetrate massive radical change, through implementation of radical policies rather than using the principles of democracy to correct the problem.

Nelson Friedman, a leading free-market economist, calls for “shock treatment” in applying free market economic principles that benefit the wealthy at the expense of the poor.  Currently, the GOP has manufactured a debt ceiling crisis.  Normally, raising the debt ceiling is merely a perfunctory act.  Even Gov. Mitch Daniels (R-IN), while budget director for President GW Bush, described as “routine housekeeping.”  One only has to look at what’s happened in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Britain, and Russia to see the disastrous effects their shocking (pun intended) social engineering efforts have created in the past few decades.

People across America need to wake up and take the time to learn what is really going on.  They’re already starting to “shock” out economy which will ultimately bring about the downfall of our democracy as we thought we knew it.  Techniques taught by the US-run School of the Americas used in creating the shock include disappearances of people in broad daylight, vilification of broad segments of society (e.g., Hispanics, Muslims, Public workers, Unions), deportations, voter suppression, use of torture, detainment and imprisonment without legal recourse (e.g., Guantanamo, Bradley Manning) , intimidation, war as mass torture (e.g., the ‘shock and awe’ of the Iraq War), etc.

Our form of government is supposed to be “by the people and for the people” …  not for the benefit of the rich and at the expense of the poor.  Only you, by not understanding the tactics being used by the GOP, can make a difference.  Don’t acquiesce and provide the GOP with an opportunity to systematically raid our public sphere and turn our nation in to an Oligarchy.  Don’t let the GOP put an end to our Great American Experiment.   Take the time to watch “The Shock Doctrine” documentary now available on Youtube.

The success of the Shock Doctrine relies on people not knowing about it.  We need to learn about it, understand it and oppose it’s use before it’s to late to raise that opposition.
If you don’t have time to watch it all now, you can use Freemake Video Downloader and Freemake Video Converter to download and then combine all the parts into a single movie that you could burn to DVD and watch on the entire movie on your living room TV